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The Termination of Support Orders
The termination of ongoing support orders can be a complex and challenging process, especially for payor spouses. Most court orders or agreements for child support have a standard termination clause, but spousal support orders rarely do. In this blog post, we'll explore three crucial factors payor spouses should consider when they seek to terminate support through the courts.
Termination of Child Support
The termination of child support is a complex and often misunderstood area of family law. Especially when the child in question is enrolled in full-time post-secondary education, the process can become particularly intricate. Despite the significant impact it has on both the paying parent and the child, there is a lack of explicit statutory guidance on this matter, leading to potential complications and confusion. This blog aims to shed some light on the criteria for terminating child support under the Family Law Act and the Divorce Act, and discuss common termination events, providing a comprehensive guide for parents navigating this challenging process.