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- F - Bankruptcy 1
- F - Certificates of Pending Litigation 1
- F - Child Support 31
- F - Common Law 3
- F - Corporate Income 2
- F - Divorce 7
- F - Domestic Contract 7
- F - Domestic Violence 3
- F - Emergency Relief 1
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- F - Family Responsibility Office 2
- F - Final Order 1
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- F - Matrimonial Home 17
- F - Net Family Property 31
- F - Occupational Rent 4
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- F - Preservation 1
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- F - Resulting Trust 3
- F - Retroactive Support 5
- F - Section 7 Expenses 7
- F - Spousal Support 27
- F - Standard Procedure 1
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- F-Certificate of Pending Litigation 1
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- F-Parenting Time 11
- F-Preservation Orders 2
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- F-unjust enrichment 7
- Frequently Cited Cases 14
- Post-Separation Increases 1
Domestic Violence Cases in Family Law
Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that profoundly affects family law cases. Lawyers dealing with such cases must be equipped not only with a deep knowledge of the law but also an understanding of the unique dynamics and challenges surrounding domestic violence. The possible recourses in a domestic violence case are the following:
The Challenges of Mediation in Cases of Domestic Abuse
Mediation and negotiation have long been advocated as the first steps in resolving family law disputes. However, when it comes to cases involving domestic abuse, these traditional approaches may pose significant challenges and risks.
Domestic Violence: A Guide for Lawyers
As legal professionals, it's crucial to comprehend the profound impact domestic violence has on every decision made in a family law file. From the first disclosure of abuse by the client, a lawyer's role expands from just legal representation to a key participant in assessing risks, ensuring safety, and navigating the complexities of domestic abuse cases.