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- F - Bankruptcy 1
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- F-unjust enrichment 7
- Frequently Cited Cases 14
- Post-Separation Increases 1
Unraveling Unjust Enrichment
Unjust enrichment is a fundamental and crucial component of Canadian law. It addresses situations where one party has unjustly benefited at the expense of another, causing imbalance and potential injustice. This legal principle aims at ensuring fairness and justice, correcting these imbalances by imposing certain obligations on the enriched party. To identify unjust enrichment, there are specific test criteria that need to be satisfied. This blog post will provide an in-depth analysis of these criteria, shedding light on their intricacies and significance in the realm of law
Property Rights of Married and Common-Law Spouses in Ontario
Property rights, especially in the context of marital and common-law relationships, can often be a complex maze of legalities. In Ontario, the statutory scheme for property division between married couples is clearly laid out, while common-law couples often find themselves in a less charted territory. This blog post will delve into the differences in property rights between married and common-law spouses and will explore concepts such as equitable ownership, unjust enrichment, and trust principles.