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Family Law Principles that we can learn from Thompson v. Thompson 2013 ONSC 5500 (Spousal Support)
Sections 15.2(1) and (2) of the Divorce Act, the court has jurisdiction to make either an interim or final order requiring a spouse to pay such spousal support as the court considers reasonable. The determination of what is reasonable takes into account various factors such as the length of time the spouses cohabited, the functions performed by each spouse during cohabitation, and any order, agreement or arrangements relating to support of either spouse.
Entitlement to Spousal Support: Key Factors and Limitations
The process of divorce or separation often raises complex issues around spousal support. Understanding the legal principles that guide entitlement to spousal support is crucial for anyone navigating these challenges. In this blog post, we will explore those principles, focusing on the Divorce Act (DA) and the Family Law Act (FLA) of Canada, and discuss factors that can influence spousal support decisions.
Compensatory Basis v. Non-Compensatory Basis for Spousal Support.
Navigating the complexities of spousal support can be overwhelming, particularly in the wake of a divorce or separation. This article aims to shed light on the theoretical explanations for statutory spousal support as developed by the Supreme Court of Canada. Our focus will be on the Compensatory Basis for Spousal Support, and the Non-Compensatory Basis for Spousal Support.