F - Section 7 Expenses Jas Dhaliwal F - Section 7 Expenses Jas Dhaliwal

Health and Medical Expenses in Child Support Cases

In child support cases, health and medical expenses are often considered special or extraordinary expenses. However, the term "extraordinary" might be misleading as these expenses do not necessarily have to be unusual or rare to qualify as an additional payment under section 7 of the Child Support Guidelines. The requirement is that they need to be reasonable and necessary in relation to the child's health and wellbeing.

This provision opens up a broad range of expenses that could potentially be claimed under this section. For instance, dental and vision care costs - including orthodontics and prescription glasses or contact lenses - are among the most commonly claimed health-related expenses. Other eligible costs can include various forms of therapy such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and professional counselling. Prescription drugs and specific expenses related to special needs services may also be eligible under section 7.

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F - Child Support Jas Dhaliwal F - Child Support Jas Dhaliwal

Child Support: The Importance of Health Insurance Coverage

Section 6 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines empowers the court to order that medical or dental insurance coverage be maintained or acquired for the child. This provision is crucial to ensure that the child's health needs are met, regardless of their parents' marital status. However, the condition is that the coverage should either be available through a spouse's employment or be obtainable at a reasonable rate.

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