Parenting Time for Primary School-Age Children

As a child grows and begins attending daycare or school, the dynamics surrounding parenting time must adapt to this new phase of life. The child's world starts to expand beyond the confines of their parents, and their daily routine and activities significantly increase. This shift has a considerable impact on the available parenting time, making it a topic worth exploring.

Once a child enters kindergarten and progresses into primary school, they get involved in a myriad of extracurricular activities. These activities, along with invitations to birthday parties and similar events from their peers, may not align with the child's parenting schedule. The key principle here is minimizing disruption to the child's life due to their parents' separation. Activities that the child would have attended if their parents were still together should still be accommodated.

This phase introduces the concept of child-focused parenting. Parents on both sides should understand that this approach is part of the new parenting equation. A parent who is demonstrably child-focused is more likely to raise a healthy, well-adjusted child and, therefore, more likely to succeed in court.

However, while this age brings a degree of independence to a child, it is inappropriate for either parent to delegate the decision about parenting time to the child. The primary parent has a positive obligation to encourage the child to spend time with the other parent, either in accordance with the parenting time schedule in effect or as the parents have agreed.

It's important to recognize that children in this age range are generally not considered capable of recognizing what is in their own best interests. Delegating the decision of parenting time to them can put too much responsibility on their shoulders. While parents may think they are allowing the child to exercise their independence and freedom of choice, paradoxically, many children end up resenting the parent who allowed them to make their own choices about parenting time.

In conclusion, navigating parenting time for primary school-age children is a delicate balancing act. It involves accommodating the child's expanding world and activities, practicing child-focused parenting, and ensuring decisions align with the child's best interests. Parents must remain mindful to facilitate a smooth transition during this critical phase, ensuring a healthy and positive upbringing for the child.


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Parenting Time for Pre-Teens and Teenagers


Navigating Parenting Time