F - Child Support, Frequently Cited Cases Jas Dhaliwal F - Child Support, Frequently Cited Cases Jas Dhaliwal

Family Law Principles that we can learn from Thompson v. Thompson 2013 ONSC 5500(Child Support)

In the realm of child support, the court generally follows the Federal Child Support Guidelines, which provide a framework for the calculation of child support. This includes considering the income of the parents, the number of children, and the custody arrangement.

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F - Section 7 Expenses Jas Dhaliwal F - Section 7 Expenses Jas Dhaliwal

Section 7 Expenses

Child support in Canada is an intricate process that is dually focused. It entails the monthly table amount intended to address everyday living expenses of a child, and it also includes an optional additional amount for special or extraordinary expenses, which are defined by Section 7 of the Child Support Guidelines. These Special or Extraordinary Expenses, often referred to as s. 7 expenses, vary significantly per family and are therefore not included in the table amounts. This blog post aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the who, what, when, where, and why of s. 7 expenses, offering crucial insights for both parents and legal practitioners in this field.

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F - Section 7 Expenses Jas Dhaliwal F - Section 7 Expenses Jas Dhaliwal

Section 7 Expenses for Child Support Guidelines (childcare)

In the world of child support, Section 7 expenses hold a significant position. These are also known as 'special or extraordinary expenses' and they can be added to basic child support if they fulfill the criteria of necessity and reasonableness. These costs are usually associated with childcare expenses that occur due to the custodial parent's employment, illness or disability, or training for employment. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of Section 7 expenses and understand their importance.

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