Frequently Cited Cases, F - Spousal Support Jas Dhaliwal Frequently Cited Cases, F - Spousal Support Jas Dhaliwal

Family Law Principles that we can learn from Thompson v. Thompson 2013 ONSC 5500 (Post Separation Increases in a Payor’s Income)

Thus, some general principles guide and inform the court’s exercise of discretion on this issue. A spouse is not automatically entitled to increased spousal support when the other spouse’s post–separation income increases. The right to share in post-separation income increases typically does not arise in non-compensatory claims. However, compensatory support claims may provide a foundation for entitlement to share in post-separation income increases in certain circumstances.

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Thompson v. Thompson 2013 ONSC 5500

The blog post provides a detailed examination of the court case Thompson v. Thompson 2013 ONSC 5500, which involved issues of divorce, child support, and spousal support. It explores various aspects such as the grounds for divorce, retroactive support claims, residential situation of the child, and assessment of parties' incomes.

This case also looks at: Imputing pre-tax corporate income, intentional un/under-employment

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