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- F - Bankruptcy 1
- F - Certificates of Pending Litigation 1
- F - Child Support 31
- F - Common Law 3
- F - Corporate Income 2
- F - Divorce 7
- F - Domestic Contract 7
- F - Domestic Violence 3
- F - Emergency Relief 1
- F - Equalization 4
- F - Equitable Remedy 1
- F - Exclusive Possession 2
- F - Family Responsibility Office 2
- F - Final Order 1
- F - Imputing Income 11
- F - Jurisdiction 1
- F - Limitation Periods 1
- F - Matrimonial Home 17
- F - Net Family Property 31
- F - Occupational Rent 4
- F - Pension 2
- F - Preservation 1
- F - Property 47
- F - Restraining 1
- F - Resulting Trust 3
- F - Retroactive Support 5
- F - Section 7 Expenses 7
- F - Spousal Support 27
- F - Standard Procedure 1
- F - Trust 1
- F-Certificate of Pending Litigation 1
- F-Decision-Making 6
- F-Exclusions 2
- F-Mobility 11
- F-OCL 1
- F-Parenting 37
- F-Parenting Time 11
- F-Preservation Orders 2
- F-Relocation 12
- F-Travel 2
- F-unjust enrichment 7
- Frequently Cited Cases 14
- Post-Separation Increases 1
The Challenges of Mediation in Cases of Domestic Abuse
Mediation and negotiation have long been advocated as the first steps in resolving family law disputes. However, when it comes to cases involving domestic abuse, these traditional approaches may pose significant challenges and risks.
Co-Parenting: The Role of Parent Coordinators
Navigating the waters of co-parenting after separation or divorce can be challenging. One tool that can facilitate this process is the use of Parent Coordinators. These professionals are often social workers or psychologists with a focus on child welfare. They play a vital role in resolving day-to-day parenting issues, especially for parents who find it difficult to agree.
Decision-Making and Parenting Time After Separation or Divorce
When parents separate or divorce, the emotional upheaval can be substantial. One of the most challenging aspects to navigate is the determination of decision-making responsibilities and parenting time. This blog post aims to shed light on this complex issue, providing guidance and insights to help parents make the best decisions for their children.
- activity
- Adult
- Arbritration
- Assignment of Support
- Certificate of Pending Litigation
- Child Support
- Child Support Guidelines
- child support guidelines
- Co-Parenting
- Common Law Spouses
- Compensatory
- Constructive Trust
- Consumer Price Index
- Contractual
- contractual
- Court Orders
- Decision-Making
- decision-making
- denial
- Disposition Costs
- DIvorce
- Divorce Act
- Domestic Contract
- Domestic Violence
- Duration
- Emergency Relief
- Employment
- entitlement
- Equalization
- equitable remedy
- Estate
- Exclusions
- Exclusive Possession
- Extraordinary Expenses
- Family Law Act
- Family Responsibility Office
- Financial Disclosure
- Fixed Parenting Time
- Frequently Cited Cases
- Gifts
- Health
- imputed Income
- Imputed Inocome
- Income
- intentional Under-Employment
- Joint Tenancy
- jurisdiction
- Life Insurance
- Limitation Period
- Lump Sum Payment
- Matrimonial Home
- MaximumConact
- Mediation
- Mobility
- monetary awards
- Motive
- Net Family Property Statement
- Non-compensatory
- Occupational Rent
- OptIN/OptOUT
- parental
- Parenting
- Parenting Time
- ParentingPlan
- payment
- Pension
- Pleadings
- post Secondary Education
- Post Separation Increases
- pre-tax corporate income
- Preservation
- Property
- property claims
- Property Division
- Real Estate
- Real Property
- Refusal of Parenting Time
- Relocation
- Restraining Order
- Resulting Trust
- Retroactive
- Retroactive Child Support
- Section 7 Expenses
- Section 8 of the CSG
- Section18
- Security
- Security for Support
- Sole Decision-Making
- Spousal Support
- Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines
- Suspensions
- Temporary
- termination
- Travel Consent
- Unjust Enrichment
- Urgent Care
- Valuations
- variation
- Views and Preferences