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The Ancillary Terms of Spousal Support: What You Need to Know
When navigating the complexities of spousal support during a divorce or separation, it's crucial to be aware of the ancillary terms that may come into play. Defined under the Family Law Act (FLA) and the Divorce Act (DA), these terms can significantly impact the overall outcomes of a spousal support case. This blog post aims to shed light on some of these ancillary terms and explain their implications.
Securing Spousal Support Payments With Life Insurance
Determining the quantum of security required for spousal support payments can be a complex task. It is crucial to ensure the recipient's financial stability, particularly if the payor passes away unexpectedly. One effective solution to secure such support payments is through life insurance. This blog post will discuss the initial quantum of security, the decrease in the quantum required over time, and the impact of estate payments on this process.
Section 12 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines
Section 12 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines stipulates that the court may require a child support order to be secured by the payor.