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- F - Bankruptcy 1
- F - Certificates of Pending Litigation 1
- F - Child Support 31
- F - Common Law 3
- F - Corporate Income 2
- F - Divorce 7
- F - Domestic Contract 7
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- F - Retroactive Support 5
- F - Section 7 Expenses 7
- F - Spousal Support 27
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- F-Parenting 37
- F-Parenting Time 11
- F-Preservation Orders 2
- F-Relocation 12
- F-Travel 2
- F-unjust enrichment 7
- Frequently Cited Cases 14
- Post-Separation Increases 1
How to Apply for a Parenting Time Order
Parenting Time, often known as visitation, is a crucial aspect of any family law case involving minor children. It essentially determines the amount of time a child gets to spend with each parent following a separation or divorce. However, the process of applying for a Parenting Time Order can be complex and overwhelming
Decision-Making and Parenting Time in Family Law
When parents separate or divorce, decisions regarding their children's welfare become a crucial topic. These decisions primarily revolve around 'decision-making responsibilities' and 'parenting time.' Understanding these terms is important for any parent navigating a separation or divorce process. Let's delve into these concepts and unpack them.
Parental Consent for Child Travel in Canada
The legal requirements for parental consent for child travel in Canada are closely tied to the best interests of the child. In situations where one parent refuses to provide consent for the other parent to travel outside of Canada with the children, the traveling parent may need to obtain a court order permitting the travel and dispensing with the other parent's consent. This court order can either cater to a specific trip or cover all future trips. However, obtaining a "blanket" order for all future travel requires a proper evidentiary foundation and can be more challenging to secure.