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- F - Bankruptcy 1
- F - Certificates of Pending Litigation 1
- F - Child Support 31
- F - Common Law 3
- F - Corporate Income 2
- F - Divorce 7
- F - Domestic Contract 7
- F - Domestic Violence 3
- F - Emergency Relief 1
- F - Equalization 4
- F - Equitable Remedy 1
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- F - Family Responsibility Office 2
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- F - Imputing Income 11
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- F - Matrimonial Home 17
- F - Net Family Property 31
- F - Occupational Rent 4
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- F - Property 47
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- F - Resulting Trust 3
- F - Retroactive Support 5
- F - Section 7 Expenses 7
- F - Spousal Support 27
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- F-unjust enrichment 7
- Frequently Cited Cases 14
- Post-Separation Increases 1
Child Support for Adult Children Pursuing Higher Education
Child support is a subject that often brings to mind images of young children receiving financial assistance from their parents. However, the reality is that adult children, especially those who are still in the process of completing their post-secondary education, may also be in need of financial aid. Despite living independently, these adult children frequently require assistance in covering essential expenses. These expenses encompass tuition fees, costs of textbooks and other study materials, housing costs, meal expenses, and transportation fees, which are collectively referred to as "section 7 expenses".
Child Support for Adult Children
The concept of child support extending beyond the age of majority is becoming increasingly common. This can be attributed to several factors such as a child's illness, disability, or continued education. The aim of this article is to provide an in-depth understanding of this issue, focusing on three key aspects: The Divorce Act and its implications, factors considered by courts when deciding on child support for adult children, and the application of the Federal Child Support Guidelines.
Child support is a pivotal issue in family law, drawing even more attention when it relates to adult children. The laws governing this area can often seem complex and confusing, with a multitude of factors coming into play. This blog post aims to elucidate the key aspects of child support law concerning adult children. We will explore the burden of proof, parental control, and quantum of support, providing a comprehensive understanding of this multifaceted subject.
- activity
- Adult
- Arbritration
- Assignment of Support
- Certificate of Pending Litigation
- Child Support
- Child Support Guidelines
- child support guidelines
- Co-Parenting
- Common Law Spouses
- Compensatory
- Constructive Trust
- Consumer Price Index
- Contractual
- contractual
- Court Orders
- Decision-Making
- decision-making
- denial
- Disposition Costs
- DIvorce
- Divorce Act
- Domestic Contract
- Domestic Violence
- Duration
- Emergency Relief
- Employment
- entitlement
- Equalization
- equitable remedy
- Estate
- Exclusions
- Exclusive Possession
- Extraordinary Expenses
- Family Law Act
- Family Responsibility Office
- Financial Disclosure
- Fixed Parenting Time
- Frequently Cited Cases
- Gifts
- Health
- imputed Income
- Imputed Inocome
- Income
- intentional Under-Employment
- Joint Tenancy
- jurisdiction
- Life Insurance
- Limitation Period
- Lump Sum Payment
- Matrimonial Home
- MaximumConact
- Mediation
- Mobility
- monetary awards
- Motive
- Net Family Property Statement
- Non-compensatory
- Occupational Rent
- OptIN/OptOUT
- parental
- Parenting
- Parenting Time
- ParentingPlan
- payment
- Pension
- Pleadings
- post Secondary Education
- Post Separation Increases
- pre-tax corporate income
- Preservation
- Property
- property claims
- Property Division
- Real Estate
- Real Property
- Refusal of Parenting Time
- Relocation
- Restraining Order
- Resulting Trust
- Retroactive
- Retroactive Child Support
- Section 7 Expenses
- Section 8 of the CSG
- Section18
- Security
- Security for Support
- Sole Decision-Making
- Spousal Support
- Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines
- Suspensions
- Temporary
- termination
- Travel Consent
- Unjust Enrichment
- Urgent Care
- Valuations
- variation
- Views and Preferences