Representing a Parent Seeking to Relocate with a Child


Going through a relocation process as a parent with a child can be a complex and challenging situation. It becomes even more complicated when parenting agreements come into play. This blog post aims to guide counsel or legal representatives on how to best handle these situations and represent a parent seeking to relocate with a child.

Understanding the Current Parenting Order

The first step is to ascertain the current parenting order or agreement. In situations where there's no existing order or agreement, factors such as the duration of separation and the established status quo become relevant.

Establishing the Best Interest of the Child

Another critical aspect is to look for evidence that the proposed move is in the best interests of the child. Any improvement in the financial circumstances or emotional well-being of the parent can be considered beneficial for the child. However, it's essential to weigh these benefits against any potential adverse effects, such as a reduction in parenting time or contact with the other parent.

Preparing Detailed Plans and Proposals

Preparation is key when seeking to relocate with a child. A detailed plan of care for the new location is necessary. Additionally, a comprehensive proposal for maintaining contact with the other parent should the move be allowed is crucial. Lastly, preparing an offer to settle based on these plans and proposals can often pave the way towards a smoother negotiation process.

Evaluating and Addressing Opposition from the Other Parent

One of the significant challenges in relocation cases is opposition from the other parent. You should anticipate this and develop strategies to address their concerns. This may involve demonstrating how the proposed relocation plan accommodates the non-relocating parent's relationship with the child and mitigates any potential harm.

Dealing with Legal Procedures

The legal procedures involved in relocation cases can be complex and extensive. It's essential to be familiar with the relevant laws, regulations, and court precedents in your jurisdiction.


Relocation cases involve a delicate balance of legal, practical, and emotional considerations.

The ultimate aim should always be to achieve a result that respects and promotes the best interests of the child.


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Opposing Relocation


Child Relocation: Balancing Best Interests and New Opportunities